So what is the National Film Registry?

The National Film Registry is a list of films chosen by the National Film Preservation Board, a federal agency whose mission is to preserve the art of American film. Since 1989, the Board has selected 25 films each year that have been deemed “culturally, historically or aesthetically significant” by a panel of film experts to be added to the registry. A print of each film is stored and preserved in the Library of Congress. As of 2022, the total number of films is 850.

What kind of films are on the National Film Registry?

Oh all kinds. Most of the selections are your typical classic films; “Casablanca“, “Citizen Kane“, the usual suspects (Though as of this writing, not “The Usual Suspects”). There are, however, many types of films on the list, including shorts (both live-action and animated), documentaries, experimental films, home movies, newsreels, and some that are just too difficult to label.

What does NFR stand for?

[Deep exhale]

Do you work for the National Film Registry?

No I do not. Please see my disclaimer on the right side of this page.

What’s the significance of the name “The Horse’s Head”?

Oh, maybe this isn’t the right blog for you.

Are you a film scholar or student of some kind?

Nope. My degree is in theater, because making money is so overrated these days. Like many Americans, I share a love of the movies. To quote the playwright Herb Gardner, I’m “not an expert, but I sure as hell value my amateur standing.”

What are you, nuts or something?

I covered this.

What’s your favorite movie?

Next question.

Okay, then how about your favorite relief pitcher?

Rollie Fingers. No contest. The man changed the game.

What’s the catch of the day?

Usually a fish of some kind.

So because you’re devoting an entire blog to the National Film Registry, obviously you’ve seen the 2011 documentary about the Registry, “These Amazing Shadows“, right? Right?

Funny you should ask…